The Spectrum series is the ultimate result of our know-how merged with the latest laser technology and the wishes of laser display professionals worldwide.
Beautifully and practically designed Spectrum projectors offer world-class performance, superb beam quality, a wide range of colours, inspiring features to help you succeed, and comprehensive control options for easy integration into existing systems.
The Spectrum is offered in three versions - 34-Watt ROGB, 37-Watt RYGB, and 55-Watt RYGB fitted with either extra Orange or Yellow OPSL module. Due to our latest breakthroughs in beam-shaping techniques, all these models produce an enormous amount of luminosity, meaning they are seriously bright!
In addition, the rigid foam aluminium chassis with cushioned heatsink, advanced thermal management and ergonomics make working with Spectrums stressless, exciting and fun. With the Spectrum, you can sit back, relax and focus on your creativity.
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